The Ultimate Guide
From Registration to Payment:
The Best WordPress Events Plugins for Seamless Event Management

Events Management

Events are an important part of marketing and business strategy for many businesses and organizations. They provide opportunities to connect with customers, prospects, and industry peers, and can be recurring events that help to drive brand awareness, lead generation, and revenue growth. However, planning and managing events and executing successful events can be a complex and time-consuming process, with many different moving parts to manage.

This is where WordPress events plugins come in. WordPress events plugins are tools that businesses and organizations can use to manage all aspects of event planning and execution for modern events, from registration and booking status ticketing to event management and promotion. These plugins can help to streamline event planning and reduce the time and resources required to manage modern events well, while also improving the event location overall attendee experience and increasing event success rates.

Some of the key benefits of using a WordPress events plugin for event management include:

  1. Simplified Registration and Ticketing: WordPress events plugins provide tools for managing event registration and ticketing, making it easy for attendees to register for events and purchase tickets online. This not only saves time and resources for event organizers, but also improves the attendee experience by providing a simple and convenient way to register for events.

  2. Better Event Management: WordPress events plugins provide tools for managing all aspects of event planning and execution, from creating event pages and schedules to managing attendee lists and sending event reminders. This helps to streamline event planning and reduce the time and resources required to manage events, while also improving the overall attendee experience.

  3. Increased Attendee Engagement: WordPress events plugins provide tools for promoting events and engaging with attendees, such as social media integration and email marketing integration. This helps to increase event attendance rates and improve attendee engagement, which can lead to higher event success rates and increased business growth.

  4. Customization Options: WordPress events plugins provide a range of customization options, allowing businesses and organizations to create event pages that match their brand and meet their specific needs. This includes options for customizing event descriptions, layouts, and ticket designs, as well as the ability to add custom fields and data to event pages.

  5. Integration with Other Tools and Services: WordPress events plugins can integrate with a range of other tools and services, such as payment gateways, email marketing platforms, and social media platforms. This allows businesses and organizations to promote events to a wider audience and sell tickets online, while also improving overall event management and attendee engagement.

Types of Events

In this section, we'll take a closer look at the different types of events that businesses submit events and organizations may need to create events and manage, and how WordPress events plugins can help with event management for each type.

  1. Conferences: Conferences are large-scale events that bring together industry experts, thought leaders, and other professionals for networking, learning, and sharing ideas. WordPress events plugins can help with conference management by providing tools for managing registration and ticket sales, creating event schedules and agendas, and sending event reminders and updates to attendees.

  2. Webinars: Webinars are online events that allow businesses and organizations to reach a wider audience and engage with customers and prospects. WordPress events plugins can help with webinar management by providing tools for setting up webinars, collecting attendee information, and tracking attendance and engagement rates.

  3. Workshops: Workshops are hands-on events that allow attendees to learn new skills or techniques in a more interactive setting. WordPress events plugins can help with workshop management by providing tools for managing registration and ticket sales, setting up workshop schedules and agendas, and tracking attendance and participation rates.

  4. Meetups: Meetups are casual events that bring together people with similar interests or backgrounds for networking and socializing. WordPress events plugins can help with meetup management by providing tools for setting up meetup events, managing attendee lists and RSVPs, and sending event updates and reminders to attendees.

  5. Festivals: Festivals are large-scale events that often include multiple activities or events, such as music performances, food vendors, and art installations. WordPress events plugins can help with festival management by providing tools for managing registration and ticket sales, setting up event schedules and agendas, and tracking attendance and revenue generated.

  6. Fundraisers: Fundraisers are events designed to raise money for a cause or charity. WordPress events plugins can help with fundraiser management by providing tools for managing ticket sales and donations, tracking donations and revenue generated, and sending updates and reminders to attendees and donors.

  7. Exhibitions: Exhibitions are events that showcase products, services, or art installations. WordPress events plugins can help with exhibition management by providing tools for managing registration and ticket sales, setting up exhibition schedules and agendas, and tracking attendance and engagement rates.

Key Features to Consider in your Events manager

In this section, we'll take a closer look at the key features to consider when choosing a WordPress events plugin for better event management. These features include event registration custom booking, ticketing, event management, and customization options.

  1. Event Registration: One of the most important features of a WordPress events plugin is the ability to register attendees for an event. This feature should allow attendees to easily register for an event, and should also provide organizers with a way to manage registrations, including tracking attendee information and managing attendance lists.

  2. Ticketing: Many events require ticketing, and a good WordPress events plugin should provide a way to sell tickets directly on your website. This feature should include a way to set ticket prices, offer discounts or promotions, and manage ticket sales and inventory.

  3. Event Management: A good WordPress events plugin should provide tools for managing your events, such as setting up event pages, scheduling events, sending event reminders, and managing attendee lists. The plugin should also offer features for tracking event performance, such as tracking attendance rates and revenue generated.

  4. Customization Options: A good WordPress events plugin should offer a range of customization options to help you create an event page that matches your brand. This may include custom branding options, such as the ability to add your logo or choose custom colors, as well as options for customizing event descriptions, layouts, and ticket designs.

  5. Payment Gateway Integration: A good WordPress events plugin should integrate with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal or Stripe, to allow you to easily collect payments from attendees. This feature should include the ability to set up different payment options, such as credit card or PayPal payments, and should provide tools for managing refunds and chargebacks.

  6. Mobile-Friendly Design: A good WordPress events plugin should be mobile-friendly, allowing attendees to easily register for events and purchase tickets from their mobile devices. This feature should also ensure that your event page is optimized for mobile users, with a responsive design that looks good on any screen size.

  7. Social Media Integration: A good WordPress events plugin should integrate with social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, to allow you to promote your events to a wider audience. This feature should include the ability to easily share events on social media, as well as tools for tracking social media engagement and performance.

  8. Email Marketing Integration: A good WordPress events plugin should integrate with email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact, to allow you to easily promote your upcoming events to your email subscribers. This feature should include the ability to create and send email campaigns, track open rates and click-through rates, and manage your email subscriber list.

How to Choose the Right Manager Events Plugin

We'll now take a closer look at how to choose the right WordPress events plugin for your own events specific needs and budget. Here are some tips and advice to consider when making your upcoming events' decision:

  1. Identify Your Specific Needs: The first step in choosing the right WordPress events plugin is to identify your specific needs. Consider the type of events you will be managing, the number of attendees you expect to have, and the level of customization and management you require. This will help you narrow down your options and find a plugin that meets your specific needs.

  2. Consider Your Budget: The cost of a WordPress events plugin can vary widely, from free to several hundred dollars. Consider your budget and look for a plugin that offers the features you need at a price you can afford. Keep in mind that some plugins offer both free and paid versions, so you may be able to start with a free version and upgrade later if needed.

  3. Check Reviews and Ratings: Before choosing a WordPress events plugin, be sure to read reviews and check ratings from other users. Look for plugins with high ratings and positive reviews, as this can be a good indication of their quality and reliability. Also, be sure to check for any common issues or complaints mentioned in the reviews.

  4. Evaluate Key Features: Consider the key features outlined in the previous section and evaluate each plugin based on how well it meets your specific needs. Look for plugins that offer the features you need most, such as event registration, ticketing, and event management, as well as customization options, payment gateway integration, and social media and email marketing integration.

  5. Test the Plugin: Before committing to a WordPress events plugin, be sure to test it out to ensure it meets your expectations. Many plugins offer a free trial or demo version, which allows you to test out the plugin's features and functionality before making a purchase. Be sure to take advantage of this to ensure the plugin meets your needs and is easy to use.

  6. Consider Support and Documentation: Finally, consider the level of support and documentation provided by the plugin. Look for plugins with good customer support and extensive documentation, as this can be crucial in case you run into any issues or need help setting up the plugin. Also, consider the level of support offered for any paid versions of the plugin, as this can be an important factor if you encounter any issues down the road.

Case Studies

We'll take a closer look at payment gateway integration featured events manager, which is an important feature to consider when choosing a WordPress or events manager or plugin for better event management.

Payment gateway integration refers to the ability of a WordPress events plugin to integrate with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, or This feature is crucial for event organizers who need to collect payments for tickets or other event-related purchases.

Here are some things to consider when evaluating payment gateway integration in a WordPress events plugin:

  1. Compatibility: Be sure to choose a WordPress events plugin that is compatible with your preferred payment gateway. Look for plugins that specifically mention the payment gateways they integrate with, and check that your preferred gateway is included.

  2. Ease of Use: The payment gateway integration feature should be easy to use and set up, with clear instructions and documentation provided by the plugin developer. This is especially important for users who are not familiar with payment gateway integration or who are setting up a payment gateway for the first time.

  3. Payment Options: The payment gateway integration feature should offer a range of payment options, including credit card payments, PayPal payments, and other popular payment methods. This allows attendees to pay in the way that is most convenient for them, which can help increase ticket sales and improve overall event attendance.

  4. Security: Security is a crucial factor when it comes to payment gateway integration. Look for WordPress events plugins that use SSL encryption to protect sensitive payment information, and that follow industry-standard security protocols. Also, be sure to choose a payment gateway that is trusted and secure, with a good reputation for protecting user data.

  5. Fees: Be sure to check the fees associated with payment gateway integration, as these can vary widely depending on the payment gateway and the WordPress events plugin. Look for plugins that offer transparent pricing and that do not charge hidden fees, and be sure to compare fees across different payment gateways to find the most affordable option.

  6. Refunds and Chargebacks: Finally, consider the refund and chargeback policies associated with payment gateway integration. Look for WordPress events plugins that offer easy refunds and chargebacks, and that provide clear instructions for how to handle these situations. Also, be sure to choose a payment gateway that offers good customer support in case any issues arise.

Tips for Promoting Your Event or Recurring Events with WordPress Events Plugins

  1. Leverage Social Media: Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your event and reaching a wider audience. Most WordPress events plugins offer social media integration, allowing you to easily share event details and updates with your followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Be sure to use eye-catching visuals and engaging captions to capture the attention of your audience and drive engagement.

  2. Use Email Marketing: Email marketing is another effective way to promote your event and engage with attendees. Many WordPress events plugins offer email marketing integration, allowing you to send event updates, reminders, and promotions directly to your email list. Be sure to segment your email list and tailor your messages to different groups of attendees, such as VIPs, first-time attendees, or previous attendees.

  3. Create a Landing Page: Creating a landing page for your event is a great way to capture the attention of potential attendees and provide them with all the information they need to register and attend. Most WordPress events plugins allow you to create custom landing pages for your events, with customizable layouts, designs, and content. Be sure to include eye-catching visuals, compelling copy, and clear calls to action to drive registrations and ticket sales.

  4. Partner with Influencers and Sponsors: Partnering with influencers and sponsors can help you reach a wider audience and increase the credibility of your event. Many WordPress events plugins offer tools for managing sponsorships and partnerships, allowing you to easily collaborate with sponsors and influencers and promote your event to their followers and networks.

  5. Offer Early Bird Discounts: Offering early bird discounts is a great way to incentivize attendees to register early and increase the overall success of your event. Many WordPress events plugins offer tools for managing ticket pricing and discounts, allowing you to easily set up early bird pricing and track ticket sales.

  6. Use Retargeting Ads: Retargeting ads are a powerful way to reach people who have shown interest in your event but have not yet registered or purchased a ticket. Many WordPress events plugins offer retargeting ad integration, allowing you to set up retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook and Google to remind potential attendees about your event and drive conversions.

Best Practices for Event Management with WordPress Events Plugins

  1. Create a Detailed Event Plan: Creating a detailed event plan is crucial to the success of your event. This includes creating a timeline, setting clear goals and objectives, and outlining all the tasks and responsibilities involved in managing the event. Most WordPress events plugins offer tools for managing event schedules and agendas, allowing you to easily create and share event plans with your team and attendees.

  2. Use a Comprehensive Registration and Ticketing System: Using a comprehensive registration and ticketing system is important to ensure a smooth and efficient event registration process. Most WordPress events plugins offer tools for managing event registration and ticketing, including options for customizing ticket types, pricing, and availability, as well as tracking ticket sales and attendee lists.

  3. Communicate with Attendees: Communicating with attendees before, during, and after the event is crucial to ensuring a positive attendee experience. Most WordPress events plugins offer tools for sending event reminders and updates, as well as tracking attendee engagement and feedback. Be sure to communicate clearly and frequently with your attendees, providing them with all the information they need to attend and engage with your event.

  4. Set Up a Dedicated Event Website: Setting up a dedicated event website can help to increase the visibility and credibility of your event, as well as provide attendees with a centralized location to find all the information they need. Most WordPress events plugins offer tools for creating custom event websites, with options for customizing layouts, designs, and content.

  5. Provide Opportunities for Engagement: Providing opportunities for engagement is important to ensure that attendees are fully engaged and satisfied with the event. This includes setting up Q&A sessions, networking events, and other interactive activities that allow attendees to connect with other attendees and learn from industry experts. Most WordPress events plugins offer tools for managing these types of activities, as well as tracking attendance and engagement rates.

  6. Monitor and Measure Event Success: Monitoring and measuring event success is important to ensure that your events are meeting your goals and objectives. Most WordPress events plugins offer tools for tracking event metrics, such as attendance rates, engagement rates, and revenue generated. Be sure to regularly monitor these metrics and make adjustments to your event strategy as needed.

Integrating Payment Gateways with WordPress Events Plugins

Let's now explore how to integrate payment gateways for multi day events with WordPress events plugins. Integrating payment gateways multi day events, is an important step in event management, as it allows you to securely manage attendees, move multiple tickets, collect payments and manage refunds for event registration and ticket sales.

Here are the steps for integrating payment gateways with WordPress events plugins:

  1. Choose a Payment Gateway: The first step in integrating payment gateways with WordPress events plugins is to choose a payment gateway that meets your needs and budget. Some popular payment gateways include PayPal, Stripe,, and Square. Be sure to research different payment gateways and compare their fees, features, and security measures to choose the best one for your business or organization.

  2. Install and Activate a Payment Gateway Plugin: Once you've chosen a payment gateway, you'll need to install and activate a payment gateway plugin on your WordPress site. Most payment gateways offer plugins for popular eCommerce platforms, including WordPress. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the payment gateway to install and activate the plugin on your site.

  3. Configure Payment Gateway Settings: After installing and activating the payment gateway plugin, you'll need to configure the payment gateway settings to ensure that payments are processed securely and efficiently. This may include setting up payment options, payment forms, payment processing rules, and security settings. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the payment gateway to configure these settings correctly.

  4. Integrate Payment Gateway with Your WordPress Events Plugin: Once you've configured the payment gateway settings, you'll need to integrate the payment gateway with your WordPress events plugin. Most WordPress events plugins offer payment gateway integration options, allowing you to easily connect the payment gateway with your event registration and ticketing system. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the WordPress events plugin to integrate the payment gateway correctly.

  5. Test Payment Gateway Integration: After integrating the payment gateway with your WordPress events plugin, you'll need to test the integration to ensure that payments are processed correctly and securely. This may involve creating test event registration and ticket sales, and completing test payments to ensure that the payment gateway is functioning properly. Be sure to thoroughly test the payment gateway integration before launching your event to the public.

Advanced Features and Customization Options for WordPress Events Plugins

Advanced features and customization options allow you to have personal events, take your event management to the next level, have recurring events and can help you to create unique and engaging events that stand out from the crowd.

Here are some advanced features and customization options for WordPress events plugins:

Customizable Event Templates

Many WordPress events plugins offer customizable event templates, allowing you to create unique event pages with your own branding and design elements. This can help you to create a consistent look and feel for all your events, and can help to increase attendee engagement and brand recognition.

Multi-Event Management

Some WordPress events plugins offer multi-event management features, allowing you to manage multiple events from a single dashboard. This can help to save time and streamline your event management process, while also providing a comprehensive overview of all your events.

Advanced Registration Forms

Many WordPress events plugins offer advanced registration form customization options, allowing you to create custom registration forms with unique fields and questions. This can help you to collect more detailed information from attendees, and can help to tailor your event to specific attendee needs and preferences.

Advanced Ticketing Options

Some WordPress events plugins offer advanced ticketing options featured events, such as reserved seating, group tickets, and VIP tickets. This can help you to create a more personalized and engaging ticketing experience for your attendees, while also increasing revenue opportunities.

Event Analytics and Reporting

Many WordPress events plugins offer event analytics and reporting features, allowing you to track attendee engagement, revenue, and other key metrics. This can help you to make data-driven decisions about event planning and execution, and can help to improve the overall success of your own events calendar.

Customizable Email Notifications

Some WordPress events plugins offer customizable email notification options, allowing you to create custom emails for event details, registration confirmations, reminders, and other event-related communications. This can help you to create a more personalized and engaging communication experience for your attendees.

Top Examples of Successful Events Using WordPress Events Plugins

These examples showcase how WordPress events plugins can be used across multiple events, to create unique and engaging events that drive attendee engagement and satisfaction with site events.

Here are some top examples of successful events using WordPress events plugins:

  1. WordCamp: WordCamp is a popular WordPress event series that brings together WordPress users, developers, and enthusiasts from around the world. WordCamp uses WordPress events plugins to manage event registration and ticketing, event schedules and agendas, and event communication and engagement. By using WordPress events plugins, WordCamp is able to create engaging and interactive events that drive attendee engagement and satisfaction.

  2. The EdTech Conference: The EdTech Conference is a leading event for education technology professionals, featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and interactive sessions. The EdTech Conference uses WordPress events plugins to manage event registration and ticketing, event schedules and agendas, and event communication and engagement. By using WordPress events plugins, The EdTech Conference is able to create a seamless and engaging event experience for attendees.

  3. The Fitness Expo: The Fitness Expo is a popular fitness industry event, featuring fitness equipment demonstrations, seminars, and networking events. The Fitness Expo uses WordPress events plugins to manage event registration and ticketing, event schedules and agendas, and event communication and engagement. By using WordPress events plugins, The Fitness Expo is able to create an engaging and interactive event experience that drives attendee engagement and satisfaction.

  4. The Women's Leadership Conference: The Women's Leadership Conference is a leading event for women in leadership roles, featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and networking events. The Women's Leadership Conference uses WordPress events plugins to manage event registration and ticketing, event schedules and agendas, and event communication and engagement. By using WordPress events plugins, The Women's Leadership Conference is able to create an empowering and engaging event experience for attendees.

Best WordPress Events Plugins for Small Businesses

Small businesses have unique needs when it comes to event management, including limited budgets and resources. The best WordPress events plugins for small businesses should be affordable, easy to use, and offer key features such as event registration and ticketing, event scheduling, and event communication.

  1. Event Espresso: Event Espresso offers a range of features for event registration and ticketing, event scheduling, and event communication. Its pricing plans are affordable, and it offers a range of customization options for event branding and design.

  2. The Events Calendar: The Events Calendar offers a simple and easy-to-use interface for event management, including event registration and ticketing, event scheduling, and event communication. It also offers a range of customization options and add-ons for enhanced functionality.

  3. WP Event Manager: WP Event Manager offers a lightweight and affordable solution for event management, including event registration and ticketing, event scheduling, and event communication. It also offers a range of customization options and add-ons for enhanced functionality.

    Small business

Best WordPress Events Plugins for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations have unique needs when it comes to event management, including fundraising and community engagement. The best WordPress events plugins for nonprofit organizations should be affordable, offer robust fundraising features, and allow for easy communication with donors and supporters when managing events.

  • GiveWP: GiveWP offers a range of fundraising features for nonprofit organizations, including donation forms, recurring donations, and donation reporting. It also offers event registration and ticketing features, and integrates with popular payment gateways.

  • Charitable: Charitable offers a range of fundraising features for nonprofit organizations, including donation forms, peer-to-peer fundraising, and donor management. It also offers event registration and ticketing features, and integrates with popular payment gateways.

  • Events Manager: Events Manager offers a simple and easy-to-use solution for event management, including event registration and ticketing, event scheduling, and event communication. It also offers a range of customization options and add-ons for enhanced functionality.

    Non profit

Best WordPress Events Plugins for Virtual Events

Virtual events have become increasingly popular in recent years, and the best WordPress events plugins for virtual events should offer features for online event registration and ticketing restrict user management, virtual event location and forms, event hosting and streaming, and event listings, and virtual event communication.

  • Zoom Meetings for WordPress: Zoom Meetings for WordPress allows you to easily host and stream virtual events directly from your WordPress site. It offers features for event registration and ticketing, and integrates with popular payment gateways.

  • BigBlueButton: BigBlueButton allows you to easily host and stream virtual events from your WordPress site, and offers features for event registration and ticketing. It also offers a range of customization options for event branding and design.

  • Hopin: Hopin is a comprehensive platform for virtual event management, offering features for event registration and ticketing, virtual event hosting and streaming, and virtual event communication. It integrates with popular payment gateways and offers a range of customization options.

    Virtual Events

Best Practices for Using WordPress Events Plugins

To make the most of WordPress events and event plugins together, it's important to follow best practices for event planning and execution. Some best practices for using WordPress events plugins include:

  • Clearly define event goals and objectives.

  • Choose the right WordPress events plugin for your needs and budget.

  • Create a comprehensive event schedule and agenda.

  • Promote your event through a range of channels, including social media, email marketing, and event listing sites.

  • Monitor attendee engagement and satisfaction, and make adjustments as needed.

The Events Calendar

The Events Calendar is one of the most popular event management plugins for WordPress, with over 800,000 active installations. It's easy to use and comes with a range of features, including event filtering, event search, and Google Maps integration. The plugin also offers a pro version with more advanced features, such as recurring events and event ticketing.

The Events Calendar Plugin


  • Easy to use

  • Comes with a range of features

  • Google Maps integration

  • Pro version available with advanced features


  • Pro version can be expensive for some users

EventOn - Specify Custom Event Attributes

EventOn is a free version stylish and customizable event calendar plugin that comes with a range of features. These include event filtering, event countdowns custom event attributes view events, and event search. The plugin is also mobile-friendly and offers a range of customization options, including customizable event designs and customizable event layouts.

EventOn Lite WP Plugin


  • Stylish and customizable design

  • Comes with a range of features

  • Mobile-friendly

  • Offers a range of customization options


  • Can be overwhelming for beginners

  • Some users have reported issues with the support team

Event Espresso - Event Registration Bookings Management Plugin

Event Espresso is a comprehensive event management plugin for WordPress that allows you to create, manage, and sell tickets for events. It comes with a range of features, including registration, event management portal, ticketing, and event listings, registration bookings management, and event check-in. The plugin also integrates with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal and Stripe.

Event Espresso Plugin


  • Comprehensive event management plugin

  • Allows you to create, manage, and sell tickets for events

  • Offers a range of features, including payment gateway integration

  • Good customer support


  • Can be expensive for some users

  • Some users have reported issues with the user interface

All-in-One Event Calendar

All-in-One Event Calendar is a flexible and easy-to-use calendar plugin that comes with a range of features. These include event filtering, event search, and Google Maps integration. The plugin also allows you to import events from other calendar platforms, such as Google Calendar and Apple Calendar.

Timely Plugin


  • Flexible and easy to use

  • Comes with a range of features

  • Google Maps integration

  • Allows you to import events from other calendar platforms


  • Some users have reported issues with the support team

  • Limited customization options

Modern Events Calendar

Modern Events Calendar is a sleek and modern, event planner and calendar plugin that comes with a range of powerful features already. These include event filtering, event search, and Google Maps integration. The plugin also offers a range of customization options, including customizable event designs and customizable event layouts.

Modern Events Calendar - WP Plugin


  • Sleek and modern design

  • Comes with a range of features

  • Offers a range of customization options

  • Good customer support


  • Pro version can be expensive for some users

  • Some users have reported issues with the user interface

Simple Calendar

Simple Calendar is a lightweight and easy-to-use calendar plugin that integrates with Google Calendar. It allows you to display your Google Calendar events on your WordPress site, with a range of customization options available. The plugin is also mobile-friendly and comes with support for multiple languages.

Simple Calendar


  • Lightweight and easy to use

  • Integrates with Google Calendar

  • Mobile-friendly

  • Supports multiple languages


  • Limited customization options

  • Some users have reported issues with the support team

RSVP and Event Management Plugin

RSVP and Event Management Plugin is a comprehensive event management plugin for WordPress that allows you to create and manage events, as well as sell tickets for them. It comes with a range of features, including event registration, ticketing management, and event check-in. The plugin also integrates with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal and Stripe.

RSVP Plugin


  • Comprehensive event management plugin

  • Allows you to create and manage events and sell tickets

  • Offers a range of features, including payment gateway integration

  • Good customer support


  • Can be overwhelming for beginners

  • Pro version can be expensive for some users

Event Tickets Plus

Event Tickets Plus is a ticketing plugin for WordPress that allows you to sell tickets for your events. It comes with a range of features, including customizable ticket designs, easy event registration, and ticket scanning. The plugin also integrates with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal and Stripe.

Event Tickets Plugin


  • Ticketing plugin for WordPress

  • Allows you to sell tickets for your events

  • Customizable ticket designs

  • Integrates with popular payment gateways


  • Limited event management features

  • Can be expensive for some users


Tickera is a comprehensive, event management tool and ticketing plugin for WordPress that allows you to create and manage events, as well as sell tickets for them. It comes with a range of features, including event registration, ticketing management, and event check-in. The plugin also integrates with popular payment gateways, such as PayPal and Stripe.

Tickera WP Plugin


  • Comprehensive event management and ticketing plugin

  • Allows you to create, manage, and sell tickets for events

  • Offers a range of features, including payment gateway integration

  • Good customer support


  • Can be expensive for some users

  • Some users have reported issues with the user interface

WP Event Manager

WP Event Manager is a lightweight and easy-to-use event management plugin for WordPress that allows you to get event locations, create events, and manage events. It comes with a range of features, including event registration, event filtering, and event search. The plugin also allows you to customize your event pages with a range of design options.

WP Event Manager Plugin


  • Lightweight and easy to use

  • Allows you to create and manage events

  • Offers a range of features, including event registration and filtering

  • Good customer support


  • Limited customization options

  • Some users have reported issues with the support team


These are the best WordPress events plugins for better event management, including calendars, ticketing, and RSVPs. Whether you're looking for a comprehensive event management plugin or a simple event calendar, there's an option available for every need and budget. With these top event plugins below, you can easily manage your own events now, sell tickets, and engage with your audience. So, choose the one that best suits your needs and start creating amazing events today!

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